Steve Guttenberg, the other Tom Hanks was born in Brooklyn, and graduated from Plainedge High School in Massapequa. An adorable actor he had a break out performance in Diner and seemed to be all over the big screen in the Eighties. He was in Cocoon, followed by Three Men and a Baby, after that he appeared in Short Circuit, Police Academy, and then, what? His bio reads like a list of movie franchises, Police Academy 2,Police Academy 3 and 4, Cocoon: The Return, Three Men and a Little Lady? He does appear now and then on UPN’s Veronica Mars, and he did direct a straight to video movie, P.S Your Cat is Dead in 2002. but what about his movie career? What happened? Could that fact that all of the movies mentioned made over $100,000,000 have anything to do with his hiatus? Franchise movies can be quite lucrative, and often actors can be victims of their own financial success. But actors aren’t the only victims in the franchise mania, audiences have to sit still for the formulaic plot lines, endless retellings of the original story, and walk through performances. Why do we put up with retreads? There are many theories about the current Hollywood wasteland, some of which I’ve spilled before, but I think the bottom line is that the paying public still goes to the movies, good or bad. In fact they have been paying for a long time. The franchise or sequel move is nothing new: Tarzan, Andy Hardy, Ma and Pa Kettle, and so on. So grin and bear it. Want to see what sequel you’ll be buying a ticket for next, then stop by and have a look. PS Today is actually Steve Guttenburg Day according to a fan website.